May 14, 2011

Working Your Soil

Fall is the perfect time to pull together your gardening tools, turn your existing garden soil, add compost from your worm bins (the ideal compost material), and add coir and dried leaves in order to have the most viable soil for your next planting season. By treating your soil with worm compost and coir, you are enhancing your soil so that it has superior water retention, aeration, drainage, and stability. This way, the soil has a lot more antibiotic properties to safeguard against pathogens and far more natural plant growth hormones. Encounter has shown that by making use of worm compost, you significantly enhance your soil's viability. I strongly urge the use of worm compost as this has the capacity to reduce several sorts of bacteria that are pathogenic to animals and people today.

No matter whether or not you strategy to plant fall and winter items, preparing the soil for your next planting is paramount. Having said that, it would be perfect to give your "worked" soil about three to 4 weeks (far more if feasible) to "rest" and restore itself by means of the techniques that you have just employed. Then your next planting season will have a considerably enhanced soil with correct balance to nourish your new plants.

Nutrition for your plants does not have to constantly come from chemical additives. This is specially true when runoff occurs and damages lakes, streams, and wildlife. By making use of a worm composting program, the liquid produced (compost tea) is an perfect fertilizing component for your plants. It is natural and full of nutrients for your soil and plants, helping to maintain the proper ph balance. Compost and compost tea are excellent for use with potted plants.

Think of the entire procedure as being an integral part of the natural way of disposing of your scrap paper and food waste (not meats, animal bi-merchandise, dairy, and limited citrus), contributing less to landfills, and helping the greening process. May well your gardening labors bear much fruit, beauty, and a true sense of joy for having been a part of your garden's creation. Refer to for other tips on producing your garden attractive and enjoyable.

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