Translating ...
Do you remember when our parents used to yell at us to go out and play? They would be so tired of us running around the house munching junk food and fighting with our brothers and sisters who are practically get us kicked out of the house!
- Little or no equipment needed to get a good workout
- No crowded gyms or obnoxious people to put up with
- No driving time to the local fitness
- I do not need to put on makeup or special clothing to workout at the gym
- Vitamin D increase in the sun for our skin
- the ability to workout anytime, anywhere - even on vacation
- Two words: Fresh Air
There are probably other reasons you can think of why an open workout to fit into your particular lifestyle, so now all you have to do is learn what kind of activities can be done outside.
See the following Top 7 list of exercises that are sure to leave you sweaty, exhausted, and feeling great when it's all over!
As with all exercises, lunges should be done with absolutely perfect form. When done correctly, will step forward to work every muscle in my legs at some point during the movement, including the all important Gluteus Maximus (that's the primary buttocks muscle, for those of you not anatomically inclined ).
Variations on a step that does not require the equipment include: Standing lunges, alternating lunges, elevated lunges, rear lunges, walking lunges
.push up
push up is always one of the most effective upper body exercises, but have somehow gotten lost in a world of shiny chest press machines and fleets of different types of exercise benches. However, the push up is still an incredibly productive exercise, and it does not require any equipment.
3 basic push up movements include Standard Grip, Wide Grip and Close Grip. Alternating those 3 types will ensure maximal stimulation of the chest, shoulders, triceps in. Additionally, you can raise your hands to move a little easier, or elevate your legs that make movement more difficult.
Also, if you're really feeling brave, you can even throw in some jump and clap push up!
Many people simply do not understand the incredible power of doing squats the right way. Through improper instruction, inappropriate form, and just plain laziness, the incredible efficiency Squat has been lost in the mix.
Variations including Standing Squats, squat on one leg, plie squat, wide stance squat, squat, and overhead. Think you can not get enough stimulation from the squat? Try doing 50 reps perfectly formed and see how the legs are tired!
Variations including Standing Squats, squat on one leg, plie squat, wide stance squat, squat, and overhead. Think you can not get enough stimulation from the squat? Try doing 50 reps perfectly formed and see how the legs are tired!
...Variations including Standing Squats, squat on one leg, plie squat, wide stance squat, squat, and overhead. Think you can not get enough stimulation from the squat? Try doing 50 reps perfectly formed and see how the legs are tired!
...while keeping your back straight and head up the whole time, you will increase the recruitment of all your leg muscles, and you'll get an incredible cardiovascular workout as well. Go for perfect form and you will soon see the benefits of this great exercise.
chin-ups and
an open version of chin ups and pull-ups can be done using anything from low-hanging tree branches at any number of different pieces of playground equipment.
When done properly, chin ups and pull ups will humble most people, even avid exercisers. Bring your body up completely until your chin is at or above the hands, and lower back for the start under control. Repeat for as many as you can do it!
uphill sprints
Do not try this until you can run a good 100-yard dash on level ground! This exercise is exactly what it sounds like - running uphill. Run a decent size hill as fast as you can, walk back to the bottom and repeat the process. Bring oxygen, but leave your pride at home, or else the hill will take it from you!
Duck walks
This exercise is so simple, yet about as difficult as it gets. Simply squat down until your thighs are at or below parallel to the ground, remain in that position, and start walking. Go about 10 steps, then walk back to your starting point. Repeat as many times as needed (which will not be much) to total exhaustion!
This exercise is so simple, yet about as difficult as it gets. Simply squat down until your thighs are at or below parallel to the ground, remain in that position, and start walking. Go about 10 steps, then walk back to your starting point. Repeat as many times as needed (which will not be much) to total exhaustion!