So, you bought a camera. But there is a very small little problem about the whole thing: you do not know the first thing about cameras, that operates on the principle! Do not worry though, this article is here just for this purpose. To guide you through the basics without sounding like a lecture in physics. First things first, the camera is basically a device that captures the scene in front of you, using the same principle that applies to your eyes. Light enters the eye through the lens and form images on the retina.
Now, just hold that thought and consider the following points:
• Aperture: This is nothing but a function of the camera, which regulates the amount of light coming into the camera. Think of it as your iris, which adjusts the light outside. You can experience the dissolution of varieties when you enter a dark room from a brightly lit area? This is what happens when the camera aperture is set improperly. So, lower the lights, larger opening.
• Exposure: This is the amount of light allowed to fall on the film / sensor. Not much to explain here, but the correct manipulation of exposure can do wonders for your aesthetic photography. Leaving the sensor for a long period, results in more light falling on the sensor, making the image brighter.
• Shutter-Speed Easy. The camera is your eyes. The shutter is your eyelid. It's that simple. How to adjust the shutter speed to tremendous effect? Keep it quick if you want to stop-motion photography. For example, jerking the sweat off his forehead as a footballer kicks a ball. Or keep it slow if you want to lackluster effect.
• Lens: Each camera has a lens. Digital SLR, cell phone, you name it. They are the basic components of the camera and can be very useful in defining their own style of photographs. If you are a sports photographer, using a telephoto for landscapes, use a wide angle and so on
.• Depth of field - can be used to describe a sharp focus areas in the photograph. We can shoot on either side of the area is focused sharply focused and the foreground and background are blurred or While we also choose to take a photo where each element is sharp and crystal clear
These are just the basics of photography. While reading it does not make you an expert, will certainly help in understanding what those buttons on your DSLR is used for!